Wednesday 19 June 2013

Banana Gets Started

So... it has taken me some time to decide what exactly to write in my blog. I'm not an overly exciting person yet I would describe myself as an overly excitable person!  (about anything remotely exciting e.g. television shows, glossy box, delivery packages). I'm too shy/embarrassed for the likes of you tube videos so I think this is as wild as it gets for me.  
I have always admired people who have blogs and you tube channels. Being a student (studying culinary arts) I was always stuck for money to spend on things that I want for myself. For example, make up, nail products, clothes, handbags and shoes. This left me with not much to blog about product wise. I moved out of my parents house in November of this year to live in Dublin City. This however meant rent and bills had to be paid which left even less disposable income for Hannah Banana. I didn't mind at the time because having my own house was one of the biggest most excited steps I had taken in my nineteen years. 
In March I landed myself a job in a burrito bar which isn't so glamours but... rolls in the good stuff! Having a regular wage meant that I could save (something I have never been so great at!). The day I found out that I had got the job I wrote a long list of things that I have wanted for so long but just never had the money to get. This list is what drove me to start a blog. I found myself on so many blogs and you tube channels reviewing the things I had on my list before I went and bought them. I love hearing other peoples opinions on products and finding out about any bargains that are out there. I am slowly but surely working my way through my "I WANT" list and will be blogging about my purchases as they come. I have finished college for the summer which means I have time to put some effort into making my blog some what interesting and informative with lots of pretty pictures. 
Below is a sneak peek at my list lets hope I will be blogging about these things soon!

I want...  

  •  A glossybox prescription
  • Nude heels
  • White eyeliner
  • Tops (many)
  • Nail varnish (no more blue shades allowed)
  •  Jeans
  • Mascara
  • Eyebrow pencil
  • Stippling brush
  • Vans
  • A holiday (must be hot)
  • Hand cream 
  • Blusher 
  • Jewelry (mainly rings) 

Since march I have been able to scribble over some of these bullet points. Keep your eyes open for my posts on them! Am I the only one who always leaves the smallest and cheapest things on the list till last? Strange.

 It would mean a lot to me if you would follow to my blog. Nothing like a few readers to get some confidence, motivation and creative juices flowing.  

Blogging Banana